As I shared my first “official” post to some friends and family, I realized it would be better if I had included pictures. Since I don’t exactly know how to add pictures yet, this post will be more of a follow-along. That is you, the reader, will follow me, Ian, as I learn how to add pictures (and video?) to my posts. Here goes nothing!

Google Search

I started off with a Google search for “jekyll add images”.

The software I’m using to build my blog is called jekyll. If you want a jekyll tutorial I highly recommend this series by Giraffe Academy on YouTube.

The result that caught my immediate attention was “Learn how to add featured images to your posts”. The description mentioned adding images to the top of a blog post. While that isn’t exactly what I want, I figured it’d be a good place to start. Maybe I could hack my way to a solution 😉.

I decided to watch “Part 1: Add a featured image to your posts”, and after making it through the first couple minutes, I made it to the good stuff. Based on my (very little) knowledge of jekyll, I decided to create a directory/folder called “_assets” instead of “assets” as seen in the video. I thought this was good practice, but it would end up biting me in the butt later 😒.

Proceeding with the video, I created a directory called “images” inside “_assets”, downloaded a nice picture of me and my oldest cat, Willie, and dropped it into “_assets/images/”. Next, I added the following yaml to the front matter of this post:

images: "/_assets/images/MeAndWillie.jpg"

To get the image to show up somewhere in my post, I put the following markdown at the bottom of this post.

![Me and Willie]({{ page.images | relative_url }})

It didn’t work 😑. Back to Google…


Back in the search results, I found “I cannot get an image to display”. It seems other readers of the “Learn how to add featured images to your posts” article were having a similar problem. Scrolling down to almost the end, I found my solution:

just for clarification: Jekyll does not ignore the underscores, it ignores all content (files or folders)
beginning with an underscore.
In all probability everyone knew that already :).

Thank you, michaelbach. I guess I’m not included in “everyone”. Butt bitten 🍑.

I refactored (computer-speak for edited/renamed 🤓) my “_assets” directory to “assets”, and updated the front matter at the top of the post to:

images: "/assets/images/MeAndWillie.jpg"

At last! A picture of me and Willie 😍😻!

Me and Willie

Now I can add pictures to my other posts. Watch out for edits!